As we continue to work towards a website overhaul for HSBNE we’re looking for input on the topic of using a platform to build, host, and maintain the website.
Ability for member with limited tech/code knowledge to contribute to efforts to maintain the website
Permissions for users with an approval process before publishing changes
Initially it will likely be a simple brochure/one-page website
Easily incorporate eCommerce in the future
However, there is no mandate to use a platform. This is one reason we’re reaching out to members. Do the members want to use a platform or should it remain a website maintained by someone with development skills.
It’s cool that this topic is being revisited, at the time one of the decisions around tech stack was the free hosting aspect.
So maybe the cost, reliability and other factors should be considered also into the tech stack you use into the future.
For peoples information, its currently a github pages site, which means it uses jekyll to compile.
We want to move all the policy etc off it into which is a docusaurus static site.
So whats left on the website at that point is basically a brochure, who we are, what we do, why you should join etc. A starting point to find all the various things like socials, discord, wiki, forum etc.
Be good to have video, map of the site, lots and lots of pics of the areas and peoples projects. super visual.
ecommerce is kind of a side goal. i’m totally fine and somewhat prefer the idea of having a separate powered by something like shopify. goal would be to have merch (tshirts etc) done by print on demand service integrated into the store so we dont have to do fulfillment. and then have it there to sell stuff we make, like speaker kits, or donations etc.