Building on last years work there are a number of jobs to be done this year.
Currently I am working on building some new timber storage for:
General free for all timber (what used to be on the rack in the woodshop)
Scrap timber for Jigs
Sheet goods
Storage for personal timber
Once this is done we can clear out the container and start setting up the dust collector.
This is basically my aim for probably the first half of the year.
If I get this done then I will look at other jobs/projects.
There is a bunch of other fix-it jobs, incomplete and new projects that are on the board.
I cant do them all nor do i have the time to do them.
Anyone who is interested in helping out and taking on these projects please contact me to discuss them. I have some ideas, and will support and help them.
Anyway, a new year and new plans…
I spent some time on saturday cleaning up and organising. Essentially just moving things around, throwing out obvious trash, identifying old/unused tools. This is ongoing but I made some good progress.
Part of this is keeping the blue bench clear so we can disassemble it in the near future.
Spent some more time on thursday cleaning up and organising. On tuesday @ltp took out the blue bench, so unless anyone wants that we might break that down soon to reclaim the timber.
I’ve mostly cleaned out the corner with the yellow cabinets. Next up is to make homes for all the stuff in those cabinets and then we can potentially start to remove them.
Earlier this week i soaked, cleaned and serviced the gluebots and then refilled them. yaaay working glue containers again!
Tonight I mucked about and started making some more tool homes on the cleat wall. These are interesting little problems to make, I encourage anyone to have a go at it