This Saturday (Open Day) I am going to run a cleanup rubbish removal day.
9 am - 3 pm (or until it is all done)
Empty the trailer, get rid of the pile of rubbish next to the vans…
Recover any wood that is worth saving,
Throw out any scrap metal,
Anything in the Boneyard that needs to be thrown out.
Need a few bodies, maybe a ute or another trailer?
Let me know if you can help.
If there is something that you want to make sure that we keep or you want to make sure we aren’t throwing out anything useful then turn up and let me know.
I can help but probably won’t get there until around 10am. Unfortunately I won’t have a vehicle with me for tip runs so it’ll have to be multiple trips.
I haven’t got a motor vehicle, but as far as I know Saturday is free for me, so I might see if I can make an appearance.
Not sure when I’d get there though because it’ll be my first time trying to get to HSBNE by bicycle, leaving from The Gap, so I have no real idea how long it’ll take for me to get there.
There’s two 100l gas tanks in the hardstand, one is plumbed with a dump valve with a yellow handle. This is on loan from me in case we ever build a bigger vacuum former.
Well, that was productive. Had nothing planned for today, and while I’ve gotten home a bit stiff and sore having ridden to Hamilton, chased a broom around the metal shop all morning then eventually ridden home (taking the scenic route along the river so I could drop my hard hat back off at work in Milton en route).
I think I put everything where it belongs, if I didn’t I do apologise. Still getting to know the system.