Working Bee: Insulation Installation and Junkpile de-installation

Hi Team,

New working bee coming up! We need a few hands to help install insulation and some Utes, trailers and vehicles with some storage for doing some trips to the dump to get rid of the junk pile.

Saturday 10th Oct from 10AM
Sunday 11th Oct from 11AM.

Looking forward to seeing you there!


I’m up for both days. On Saturday I’ll have to take off no later than 3:30 to ‘babysit’ the 4zzz studio while they put on a carpark gig. 4zzz carpark gigs are open invitation events - people just turn up and check it out. 266 St Pauls Terrace, Fortitude Valley.

Insulation status update!

After two days wearing swelteringly hot full-bodied protection gear and sweating literally a few litres of sweat, I’m exhausted. Installation happened in a way that was optimised for install time, not specific room coverage, in big long lines down the building. The laser cutter room has 100% coverage, the printer room has around 30% coverage, the green room has around 60% coverage, the hall between the green room and the lobby has around 80% coverage, and the games room has around 10% coverage. I estimate I got around 40% of the way through the total installation job. Wherever possible all power and data cabling has been placed on top of the insulation, but in some places it was tied down or pulled taught and impossible to move. In fact weaving it through our mess of wires & supports up there is what made progress so slow.

Acoustically-speaking, the green room is slightly but noticeably deader now because this type of insulation absorbs sound well, and it’ll improve even more when the job is finished. Thermally-speaking, only the laser cutter room should be markedly different because until a room is finished it doesn’t do much (again with that boat analogy where a half-finished boat hull isn’t terrific at keeping out water).

An extraction fan has been placed by the window next to the electronics bench. This fan removes hot stale air from the green room, and it actually does a fantastic job to keep the whole room comfortable. I totally recommend you open the windows & turn it on during a hot day.