So I have been saying I will do this for a while…
Ok so there a number of things that need to be done around the space
- Modify the Large Container, put in roller door, install shelving, move Kiln and Compressor (linked to electrical work being completed)
- Build Racking under canopy and reorg the boneyard
- Modification of the green room, replacement of benches and tables with a better solution
- Put back on canopy (in boneyard)
Note: Add and additional tasks below and I will add them to the list of tasks.
So to get these done I will be running a series of Working Bees starting next month
Dates: (likely to be more but we will start with these)
Sunday 14th April
Saturday 4th May
Sunday 19th May
So let me know if you can come and help out.
If you are also willing/able to help plan and co-ordinate this work it would be much appreciated.
Lastly, we are also working on upgrading the woodshop on Sundays, the main priority being connecting the dust collection. If you can help come along to on Sunday (fortnightly from this Sunday) and spend a few hours helping out.