Challenge: Mouse Trap Racers (21st June)

Come one come all!

On Saturday, 21st of June from 10am there will be a junkyard challenge competition at HSBNE. Come along and hack together a gizmo, compete against other members for bragging rights, and generally have a lot of fun!

Challenge #1

The key item is:

1 Mouse Trap

This events goal is

Build a vehicle that is powered exclusively by a mouse trap. Longest distance travelled wins.

The event time limit is

4 hours.

If you want to be in the running for the optional prize pool, entry fee is:


The price limit of brought materials is:



  • Anything in the boneyard or unclaimed around the hackerspace is fair game to be utilised
  • All tools may be utilised.
  • Tool usage contention is solved by first in best dressed
  • No prior preparation in digital form. no 3d cad files. Sketches on paper are fine.
  • All work and mods must be completed within the time limit
  • External materials are allowed if you can provide a receipt for them and that receipt is within the challenge limit
  • The ‘key item’ will be supplied by the organiser

Prize Pools

There are 2 prize pools.

  1. Come one, come all. Winning gets you bragging rights. (I might try and make some trophies down the line)
  2. Those that wish, can pay an entry fee to be in the running to win a cash prize (a % of the entry fee collections)


Keen to see you all there!


Sounds like fun…!
A couple of questions…
Precisely what sort of mouse trap and what dimensions will it have?
Also… what surface etc will the “racers” be racing on?

I’ll be picking up some mouse traps in the next day or so, so they’ll be
available for inspection.

Surface wise, we’ll probably find the nicest longest stretch of asphalt in
the car park area?

Bumping for great justice and to remind everyone that it is on THIS SATURDAY! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

This just in:

  • Rules can be decided by participants on the day if they so feel inclined, they all just have to agree.
    • IE, ‘we all start on this piece of plywood’ or similar
  • The item (in this case, a mousetrap) may not be modified until it is your turn to execute, ie it must be functionally the same until your attempt at the objective starts.

Reminder to everyone… Saturday, 10am Sharp. See you there! . We’ve got a bunch of people coming along already, and its been announced that the DJ* for the competition is Victor, our president!

THe mouse-traps have been purchased, and are eagerly awaiting their hey-day.!

  • DJ is short for Dictator General. Victor will be running the comp, etc. I just made that up… see. :slight_smile:

Ha Ha Yes! I’ll be there setting things up :slight_smile: its going to be fun!

I plan to be at the space for this.


Its on tomorrow!!
see you then !!

Thank you for everyone who came along today !! It was a very fun and challenging competition.

Here are the contestants working on their top secret vehicles…

And now a drum roll for the race results …

1st place Victor
2nd place Karl
3rd place Buzz

A round of applause !!!

Now the winners of the other categories !!!

Most innovative use of materials… Buzz !!!

Best craftsmanship … Timeka !!! you can tell especially compared to my car right behind… yes its a miracle it actually did not fall apart :slight_smile:

Fastest car … Karl !!!

Thank you all l!!! :slight_smile:

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