The many geeky shirts of Mike

Geek Shirt 17: CERN. Birthplace of web browsers, the World Wide Web, plus the Large Hadron Collider. Which accelerate particles at speeds so fast they stop measuring by km/s & instead count how many electron-Volts of momentum they have, so they can smash them together & look at the pretty explosions. I picked up this shirt at their gift shop a few years ago, when I managed to organise a private behind-the-scenes tour of the LHC.

I also did a show & tell of my electric vehicle this week, explaining how they work & offering rides/torque demonstrations for donations. I raised a decent amount too! :smiley:


Geek Shirt 18: Nintendo. While I play the original Duck Hunt on an actual NES with an old CRT. The Hackerspace has some cool retro gaming systems. :smiley:

I’m now officially a third of the way through this challenge. I think I’m gonna start wearing some of my “different” (but still geeky) shirts.

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Hey Mike when is the next shirts coming?

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I’m a combination of busy and lazy (don’t ask me how this works). I shouldn’t get too far behind though. So let’s fix this right now!

Geek shirt #19 - look closely and you’ll see a TARDIS in the stars. And even our organising whiteboard is meta.

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Geek shirt 20: Mysterium 2007, also designed by the uber-talented Claire Hummel. Yes Myst fan conventions have been around this long, and this certainly isn’t my oldest Mysterium shirt. :stuck_out_tongue:

20 shirts, another milestone! Meanwhile I’m trying to fix a broken UPS on our electronics bench (it was unsalvageable, the charging circuitry had died which also killed the battery). I also now have shorter hair than I’ve ever had for over a decade. It feels weird.

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Geek shirt 21: due to reasons, I couldn’t make it to HSBNE today. I thought this might happen, so here’s a photo I took on Saturday during the Mouse Trap Racers Challenge in our warehouse in front of the gigantoprinter!

“At first I was like… And then I LOL’d”. In LOLcat style.

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Geek Shirt 22: I’m sick as a dog & almost didn’t show up to the space today. I need to stay rugged up warm. So I compromised & dressed in my serious-looking retro 70s jacket & aviators. Bending the rules, but it was this or no photo this week.

We’re renovating the space’s entryway so it looks better. I thought the perspectives looked cool!

I was half expecting you to walk away from explosions and not look at them
all night.


Geek Shirt 23: Back to the Island. Did you know that both LOST & Back to the Future featured a blue & white VW van? Makes you wonder if there were some time-travelling Libyans in the Dharma Initiative.

Entryway renovations are well underway. Here’s a preview of one of our new walls & the aesthetic we’re going for. Mad props to Karl for his work doing this.

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Geek shirt 24: Time Machines. Featuring, clockwise from the top, time travel methods from: Doctor Who, Back to the Future, Prince of Persia, The Time Machine, The Simpsons, Time Bandits, Bill & Ted, Star Trek: TOS, Hot Tub Time Machine, The Time Tunnel, Harry Potter, and Terminator. With a Rocky Horror reference in the middle. Geeky enough for ya? :stuck_out_tongue:

This week Karl knocked together a rather large projection screen for some rather oldschool gaming. Classic Goldeneye on the N64.

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Geek Shirt 25: Mystralia 2006. Yes, a Myst convention specific to Australia. It happened, back in 2006. :smiley: Also, 25 is a very important number in the Myst universe since their numbers are base-25 compared to our base-10, so I waited until the 25th shirt to wear this one.

I’m in the middle of fully stocking up one of our vending machines with cans of soft drink. I won’t be able to do it for a while because I’m going away… to Mysterium 2014, surprise surprise! Perfect shirt combo for today. :wink:

Geek shirts are on pause until I return. See you in a few weeks!

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Mike! Buddy! I need my fix! :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s been a while since I last posted a geeky shirt. I was away at Mysterium 2014, a fan convention at Myst fans… and guess what happened while I was there? Con shirts. They all match, so I’m uploading them as a set! I was hoping someone would notice and say something, but nope. No one commented on the fact that I wore a similar shirt for 5 weeks in a row. :stuck_out_tongue:

Geek Shirt #26 - Mysterium 2014, Jungle Island design, while I’m in our green room. I somehow missed seeing many people this week because I was busy cleaning stuff out back.

Geek Shirt #27 - the back of the Mysterium 2014 shirts (front design is Survey Island). You can see all this year’s 5 designs here.

I’ve been working on my electric vehicle at the space, rebalancing & reordering some of the batteries. In the front is sixteen 90Ah LiFeYPO4 cells, and there’s another forty in the back. For comparison, the average top-of-the-line smartphone has a single ~1.5Ah battery. LOTS of electricity in this car. Don’t ever accidentally short it out, like I did once. :stuck_out_tongue:

Geek Shirt #28 - Mysterium 2014, Prison Island design.

I’m swapping the hubcaps on the EV for something a little bit more aerodynamic. Net result - I now get a 4%-6% increase in fuel economy at high speeds (seriously!). Plus I think the spun Aluminium looks super scifi. Or Captain America, thus the pose.

Also the sword I’m holding was made at the space by our blacksmiths from 100% recycled cans. Our blacksmithing recycling is now pure enough it can be milled on the metalworking equipment!

Geek Shirt #29 - Mysterium 2014, Boiler Island design.

@LuminousElement made some trippy laser projection stuff. We have a re-purposed laptop attached to an old medical swing arm in our new lobby. Trippy AND convenient!

Geek shirt #30 - Mysterium 2014, Temple Island design.

Our finished lobby hangout area. Mad props to @rut4ger for doing this. Speakers are all wired into that computer & the coffee table he welded together looks amazing.

Regular shirt posts will now resume. Well, as regular as I ever do them. :stuck_out_tongue:


Geek Shirt #31 - SCUMM Bar Grog Pirate Drink, from Monkey Island. On the back is “the SCUMM Bar Grog contains one or more of the following: Kerosene, Propylene Glycol, Artificial Sweeteners, Sulphuric Acid, Rum, Acetone, Red Dye No2, Scumm, Axle Grease, Battery Acid, and/or Pepperoni”. Friday was Talk Like A Pirate Day. I thought I’d wear something fitting.

Also fitting because I’m in the middle of giving a talk on powdered food substitutes aka Soylent! It’s hard for me to gauge how it went since I was presenting, but I hope it was well received. :slight_smile:

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Geek Shirt #32 - Edwardian Roadster ‘Bessie’. The car of choice of the 3rd Doctor from Doctor Who, this shirt was only offered for sale at the Doctor Who Experience gift shop in Cardiff. They actually had Bessie there too! :smiley:

I was doing some work on my EV’s upholstery this week, which required completely removing the rear seats. It’s surprising how much space there is in this car when you fold everything back, almost like it’s… bigger on the inside.


Geek Shirt #33 - Nickelodeon Crew. Fun fact - Beauty & the Geek wasn’t my first time on TV! Back in the 90s, I was a kid crew member for Nickelodeon. Oh yeah. I was the coolest kid around. This shirt used to be so big on me but nowadays it fits me just fine.

Speaking of Beauty & the Geek, it’s airing again! Thursdays @ 8pm, Channel 7. This year’s Las Vegas.

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Geek Shirt #34 - Adventure Time Travel, a Back to the Future/Adventure Time crossover shirt.

It’s been a while since I took a photo with my DeLorean. Let’s fix that.


Geek Shirt #35 - Mysterium 2006, an annual Myst fan convention in America. Plus I’m wearing a Myst-related pendant made by a friend of mine.

I was completely exhausted this week and was too tired to go stand somewhere in a silly pose. @Boo took this unstaged photo for me so I didn’t have to move.

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Geek Shirt #36 - a DeLorean sitting between two Portals on some orange Propulsion Gel. If you’ve played Portal 2, you’ll know what’s about to happen. I thought I should wear another DeLorean-themed shirt, since I had my car in the Gold Coast 600 V8 supercars parade on Sunday.

Fun fact - we have a classroom for all your learnding needs! We also have a green-screen for all your fake filming needs! I also have a crazy hat! We’re running a free class this Saturday on wearable tech, where you can make your own “Abraham Blinken” hats, like this one but with more blinken-hatten.

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Geek Shirt #37: Courage, Wisdom, Power. The three triangles that form the Triforce, from the Legend of Zelda games. @rut4ger’s been working with other people to weld us together a little robot… “little” meaning this is one of its legs. :wink:

My computer’s coolant system failed (the CPU waterblock’s coupling split, dripping coolant right onto the die of my video card) so I’ve been without a decent way to edit photos. I’ll catch up on my geek shirt backlog over the next few days! :slight_smile:

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