Minutes from tonights Digifab Cause meeting:
Quorum reached? Yes. 10 cause members. Luke H, David B, Mike Ando, Rosa T, James C, Jaimyn M, Blair C, Aaron B, Michael/Doc, Niklas C. thank you all for coming.
1 - Buzz/Nog note that causes currently can not enforce rules within their cause and can only write “guidelines”, so the lasercutter wiki document is not enforcable at present, but may become that in the future.
2 - Buzz tried to lead a discussion on the pros of the proposed changes. Many people have heated opinions about this, and a number of worthy suggestion/s and process change ideas were made. It seems that most suggestions were either unworkable for our current situation ( such as getting another laser cutter ), or were not fully formed in such a way as they could be added to the proposed document in a way that improves it.
3 - Because there was much discussion, it was initially unclear where many people stood on the draft/proposal, so Buzz/Luke asked for a non-binding show-of-hands first, so that we could get a sense of how many people support the general idea having a documented process for becoming a laser supervisor.
4 - non-binding vote by show-of-hands was then taken. result: 8/10 ( all those present at that time) voted in support of the “general” direction of the proposal. ( but a number think it needs more fleshing out). The 2 who were taken as abstaining were the two members ( James and Mike ) had left the room prior to this point, so their non-binding-vote was counted as ‘abstain’. ( 8 in favour, 2 abstains , zero against ).
5 - After the general show-of-hands, we agreed that a binding vote should be delayed to give people more time to have input, read the proposed changes again, and make further suggestions on how to make it better, etc. Constructive input is welcome from anyone who wants to help improve the processes.
6 - meeting closed without further action/s. Revised/Improved document will be voted on at the next Digifab Cause Meeting, which has not yet been scheduled.