Metalworking Cause

The tip for the mig is in the red tool box next to the rollers, at least that is where I left it anyway, I put it there as it seems logical that would be where the welder gear would live? Please don’t use the Aluminium tip for mild steel Unless you want to buy me a new one. The Aluminium wire and tip are mine unless the space wants to pay for them. Thanks @rut4ger

I did mean to put the mild steel tip back in the gun but I got dstracted and forgot about it. Much apologies if this caused panic and or hysteria.

You’ll have to show me where it is next time you’re in as I took everything out of the drawer one by one and didn’t see it.

Alternatively, you could just leave it alone, Its utterly pointless to change the tip anyway, the tip is made of copper and the steel welding wire is copper coated. You’re going to get infinitely more defects due to firstly, user error, its super easy to balls up. Secondly, the machine,.Its DC which works but is far from perfect. Secondly the dust in the air and the dust on the wire roll are way more likely to cause defects.

Please don’t remove the tip from the machine again until it needs replacing.

Please do not use the direction switch to start/stop the lathe, it is not designed for the switching current.


Lathe: Can people please be careful when tightening the carbide tool bits. The bolt securing the cutting tip was done up exceptionally tight (no need) and the head was stripped. It was a good amount of effort to get the blunt tip out.

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Hi guys, I’m not yet a part of this Cause but seem to spend most of my time at HSBNE between the two metal workong rooms. I’d like to note a couple things.

  1. I’m happy to come in and find all the safety gear/grinding discs that are currently on the work bench a Home, everything needs a home afterall :wink:
  2. I went to use the big mig last week and noticed the gas had been left on, the gas lines look a little perished but whether they leak or not it’s best practice to turn off the gas when you’re done so the gas lasts for as long as possible.
  3. Next time we have a meeting, I’m happy to be involved in documentation, so much of my time at HSBNE is spent looking for where someone left something, FYI, the multi grips are on the back of the small migs cart, dunno why?
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Also could please become a member of this cause?

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Awesome work!
To change or join causes please send the treasurer a email treasurer@hsbne…

The next time this fails, the person who f*%ked it will be paying for a new one.

Hey all,

Heads up, was using the band saw and the blade got jammed in some aluminium(cast can stuff)

Pulling it out I put a little bend in the blade, still cuts though.


The mini metal lathe is still stuffed, please dont plug it in. It seems to pull a short.

Do not use unless you fix it. Do not fix it unless you know how.


Little mig was left on, with no shroud on on the tip. It looked like someone was working on bench with the big fans. What’s the rule with occupying bench space with your stuff when you’ve already left the space. Should it be kept clean every time you leave? I’m saying this because I often struggle to find a temporary bench space but also understand how much time is spent setting and packing up between visits and why people like to leave projects set up.

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the official rule is that if its left lying around with no name on it, and no other communication/s have been made about it, it’s fair game, and you can immediately clear it up, put it in the bone yard, etc. Obviously, sometime’s that’s not the right thing to do… but if someone leaves their crap lying around, and didn’t take the time to put a nice big obvious label on it, then you can at the very least put it into a box,or neat pile someplease nearby ( out of the way), and wack a “parking ticket” on it ( that’s the red one) , with the date/time, etc. that way it’s not in your way anymore, and the owner will see the parking ticket, and have a week or two to replace it with a “parking permit” ( the green one).


Thanks @buzz,

Before the AGM this Tuesday I propose cleaning the main work bench near the welders, I will do it alone or with the help from others. I have previously attempted to do so but was deterred by the ownership/responsibility of these items and if the people who own them would be frustrated with me. That brings me to the question:

Where should we the metal working cause put them?

Is the idea that some of the items will be used in welding classes?

I have noticed there are a heap of welding rods that are probably cactus and even if they aren’t we will not use 100 boxes in 3 years. I believe they are currently taking up too much room on a useful shelf , they would be better off in the under the bench/desk in the corner.

With more space on the shelf, I can put items that will get used, like PPE, grinding disks, wire brushed, weld test fluid etc, that are currently taking up all the room on the main work bench.

The Hobart Mig looks broken I think it should go in the boneyard for parts, suggestions welcome.
There is also a jigsaw, should this live in the wood work shed?

I am asking you/this cause for ownership of this space to re-arrangement and responsibility for the placement of these items. My intentions are to improve the space for more people to use more effectively.
Alternatively you can be there before the AGM and we can decide on a useful/productive layout together.

Like this post to give me your approval.



Just to be clear, I’m not part of the metal-working cause, and none of this stuff belongs to me or any cause I’m a part of. I was just quoting the relevant rule/s ( which are on hte website, btw). I strongly encourage you to talk to the cause leader about any plans you may have, that aren’t just “cleaning up”… particularly in regard to any expensive tools like Mig welders, which should most definitely not be put in the bone yard.

Are you in on tuesday? Basically it is the way it is because I got that donation of stuff in and haven’t had time yet to make a home for it. I’m in this afternoon tieing up a few loose ends so I can focus my efforts a bit better and with any luck not get so distracted when I come in.

The little mig is out of tips, Ill get more in the coming days.

Any member is always welcome to change things as they see fit, Do-ocracy and all. If You need to ask me questions about stuff, call me any time on 0449 147 030.


Cool, just to clarify I was talking about the very little white Hobart 120/140 Mig, the one on the ground with the fan removed and bits missing not the 200A red one. I will come in after work on Tuesday, so around 6pm. It’s definitely understandable that you haven’t got around to it, we’ve got to help each other out :wink:

Hi all, just wondering where one may find the cutoff / parting tool for the lathe?

It is there on the shelf

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Hi Jace, I noticed a couple on the shelf but they seemed to be snapped, I wasn’t sure if I could repair them on the grinder or if they were to be discarded, so I didn’t do either haha. I’ll have another look tonight maybe I missed them.