(Kyia Bourne)
Hey Hackers
I’m looking to restart boardgame nights ideally, this month!
I’ve got a poll in the #Socials section on discord asking if you’d like to play on a Saturday night or Sunday night, one night of the month.
You can also answer here if you like 
I own a small but decent collection of games and will bring a few to every meet up but you’re very welcome to bring your own things to it!
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(Emily Taylor)
Oooh, we have Mysterium and haven’t’ played in ages, could I put in for that?
(Kyia Bourne)
Haven’t played that before, I welcome new games!
(Brendan Halliday)
We also have a surplus addon to the Firefly FFG boardgame, but no base. Happy to either acquire the base game or gift on the addon.
Is the Firefly expansion still available? I own the base game and would love to upgrade.
(And to clarify, Fantasy Flight or Gale Force 9?)